On May 20, 2023, an exciting duel between two talented fighters - Emily Ducoti and Poliana Viana will take place at the UFC arena. This fight, scheduled for the near future, is already attracting the attention of many fans, and they are all looking forward to this exciting confrontation.

Emily Ducoti is a young and promising fighter who has already managed to prove herself in the world of mixed martial arts. She has a high level of physical fitness and technique, and demonstrates an aggressive fighting style. Her opponent, Poliana Viana, is also an experienced fighter and is known for her unique skills in the stand and on the ground.

The fight between Ducoti and Viana promises to be intense and exciting. Both fighters are ready to demonstrate their skills and use all their tricks and strategies to win. Ducoti is known for his powerful punches and well-practiced technical combinations, while Viana shows his edge in Brazilian jiu-jitsu technique and ability to excel in hand-to-hand combat.

This fight is expected to be held at a high level. Spectators will be able to enjoy bright fights, accurate strikes and exciting grappling battles on the ground. Each fighter is ready to show her skills and fighting spirit to leave her mark on the ring.

Fans are already looking forward to this confrontation and are ready to go to the UFC arena to witness this emotional and exciting fight.

The fight between Ducoti and Viana promises to be a real show and provide viewers with unforgettable moments and adrenaline.